Sunday, January 23, 2011

1, Infinite Loop, California

Do you know that the address of Apple Inc's headquarters is 1, Infinite Loop ?

For those from non-programming background, an infinite loop is a term used to refer to a never-ending loop or subroutine that is running non-stop , hence infinite. This will cause the program unable to terminate, or unstable in a more layman term.

Apple is both cheeky and smart enough to name their headquarters like that. It is also geographically shaped like a loop with 6 buildings on the loop. Going through from 1, Infinite Loop to 6, Infinite Loop. Referred as IL1 to IL6 by the local residents.


Even on iOS the Google Maps icon shows the location of the infinite loop, which I have boxed it with a red square to point it out. The number 280 refers to the Interstate 280 which is situated nearby.

Smart and cheeky isnt it ? 

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