Due to the extra RAM that I had, I feel the need for it to have a 64-bit operating system.
Delaying no more, I quickly formatted it to Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Not much hassle since I have been doing this myself and for my friends a few times already. Actually it was good timing for a format too since I have planned to format it once I completed my FYP.
Installing the OS wasnt too bad. Installing the bloody updates is. The whole process could take a whole night even on my 1Mbps connection which i believe is average for any home user. The thing is, this causes my hard drive to spin like crazy and create tremendous amount of heat on my palmrest. I could literally vapourize a drop of water on the palmrest, aluminium in nature. Ive done it before.
Going further, I thought hey, since this is my main laptop, why not I swap the HP Mini's 7200rpm drive here ? Cool.. I did just that and another fresh installation of W7U x64 there. Installing the drivers and updates took another night. Damm, such a time waster.
When all is done, my XPS feels spanking new, boot times was somewhere below the 1 minute mark, around 50 seconds. Reboot times was slightly around 90 seconds. Further tweaks to the registry made that possible.
My HP Mini was not too bad too, today I formatted Ubuntu 10.10 Marverick Meerkat for it. Also after installing various updates it felt great. And provided me another platform to enjoy other than Windows.
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