Here's some evidence,
These are screen captures of my e-bill from digi. Look at that crazy amount of SMS. I went to Digi and asked their staff regarding this and apparently this is counted after the monthly free 200 SMS. Meaning I SMS a whopping 700~800 plus every month. And this is even after I installed WhatsApp ?
For the coming month, I have set up a little monitoring of my SMS usages. If they overcharge, overcount again then i'm going to make some noise. Too bad I can only check unbilled amounts and not previous amounts that they have deleted after issuing the e-bill.
This is my account, monitoring my SMS usages. At 15th Jan 2011 my last known SMS usage counter was at 162. That means I have 38 more before they start charging me for each SMS i send. My statement date is 16th Jan, today. So, we'll see if there's anything fishy going on today.
Will update later on.
amazing posting of cheating sms